By Keith Van Beek
Spring has taken on a new urgency in my home this year. Some of you will likely recall the expanded “To Do List” necessary to host a high school graduation Open House for your child. Strangely, the process of an intensified spring cleaning mirrors my thoughts about my daughter leaving for college next year. I fondly reflect back on old treasures when cleaning the garage, and memories made with Erin. But I am also excited for her future while planting new flowers and applying new coats of paint.
The transition of our organization to the Michigan Municipal Executives (MME) has a similar feel. I have heard great stories in the past year about our history. Card games in the Michigan Municipal League offices during Michigan City Manager Association (MCMA) conferences, often after the annual basketball game. Surviving harsh snowstorms that always seemed to hit during the Michigan Local Government Managers Association (MLGMA) winter conferences. We have much to look back on fondly! Please chat at your regional meetings with some “veterans” about their memories and learn from their experiences.
The amount of ongoing work in our association should make us all excited for our future! I am very grateful to our Board of Directors, committee members and chairs/co-chairs, MML support staff, and many more that have accepted the challenge to refresh a course for our future. With a new brand and name comes new opportunities and challenges. A few highlights of current happenings:
- I represented MME at the ICMA Regional Summit in Elk Grove, Illinois, March 9-10. In addition to serving on a panel discussion on “Equity & Inclusivity in The Workplace and Our Communities,” I participated in interviewing applicants and appointing Wally Bobkiewicz from the City of Evanston as our regional vice president for the ICMA Board.
- Board member Russ Taylor (Thomas Township), will represent us on the 2018 ICMA Conference planning committee, which will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, September 23-26. That work begins at the conference this year in San Antonio, October 21-24.
- Your committees are systematically reviewing website information and programs (sounds like the fun job of cleaning out the garage). This will not only ensure that members can find accurate information on the website, but is also proving to highlight areas for improvement or coordination with the work of other committees.
- Locations have been chosen for upcoming Winter Institutes and Summer Workshops. Following Muskegon in 2017, Charlevoix will host in 2018, and Sault Ste. Marie in 2019. Ann Arbor will be our destination for the 2018 Winter Institute, with a yet-to-be selected venue in West Michigan in 2019.
Please stay connected and supportive of MME as we move forward. Review information in our E-Newsletter, stay connected with, and attend a NextGen training event or the Summer Workshop.
Keith Van Beek
President, Michigan Municipal Executives; Deputy County Administrator, Ottawa County
Keith Van Beek has been the Ottawa County deputy county administrator since 2009, and was previously deputy city administrator for the city of Kentwood. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Cornerstone University. You may reach him at 616-738-4642 or