Darin K. Dood | Professional Development Committee Chair
On behalf of the entire Professional Development Committee (PDC), we thank every one of you who attended the 2025 MME Winter Institute Conference in Bay City, Michigan. The conference was not only packed with fantastic sessions, but also with all-time high attendance! Your participation, engagement, and dedication made this event an incredible success! From insightful discussions during the panel sessions to networking opportunities during breaks, the conference was a testament to the strength and vibrancy of our community of Michigan Municipal Executives!
We would like to extend a special thank you to our speakers and presenters who generously shared their expertise and insights into our noble profession. Your contributions enriched the conference experience and provided valuable knowledge and tools for our members to apply in their respective roles.
The success of our conferences relies on the active participation and engagement of our members. Your individual feedback about the sessions, activities, and overall conference experience is imperative to our ongoing success. The PDC will be using your feedback to plan an exceptional Summer Workshop. If you have topic/session ideas, please contact me or any of the PDC members. Your ongoing support and enthusiasm are the driving forces behind our efforts to provide high-quality professional development opportunities for municipal executives across Michigan. There is still time if you wish to join the PDC. If you are interested in serving on the Committee, please contact me.
If you were unable to attend the Winter Institute, the presentations can be accessed here. Event photos are also now available on Flickr here.
We will be sharing more details about the Summer Workshop planned for Mt. Pleasant in the coming months, including information on speakers, sessions, and registration. Be sure to mark your calendars and save the date for what promises to be another exceptional event!
I am humbled and thank you for the opportunity to serve as your PDC Chair.
Darin K. Dood
Chair, Professional Development Committee
Village Manager, Lakeview
Darin Dood began his career in municipal government as a police officer with the Village of Lakeview 23 years ago and has served as chief of police for the last 20. His municipal management career took another turn about five years ago when he transitioned into the combined role of village manager, chief of police, and airport manager. He has a degree in business administration and law enforcement. Significant policy interests include economic development, community collaboration, and zoning. Darin is proud to serve on MME’s Professional Development Committee and believes continuing education is a critical component in becoming an effective public servant.