New MME Members: January/February 2025

New applicants for MME membership from the months since the last MME E-Newsletter was distributed are listed below, by category. Any objections that would impact their membership status or category should be submitted to MME within 60 days of the date of the last MME E-Newsletter. Objections should be addressed to Ethics Committee Chair Juan Ganum at


Name Title Municipality
Aeric Ripley City Manager Alma
Crystal VanVleck City Manager Berkley
Megan Weaver Township Director Carrollton Township
Susan Montenegro Assistant City Manager Chelsea
Amanda Sleigh Assistant City Manager/HR Dir. Dowagiac
Christopher Shannon City Administrator Gladwin
Amee King Assistant City Manager Grand Ledge
Derrick Kozicki Asst. Manager/City Clerk Grosse Pointe Farms
Justin Cavanaugh City Manager Harrison
Lori Fisher Village Manager Lexington
Nicole Benson City Manager Litchfield
Kaitlyn Szczypka Deputy Administrator Mason County
Barbara Valentine City Manager Montrose
Joseph Bippus City Manager Three Rivers
Frank Nastasi City Manager Troy
Nick Shelton Business Development & Government Strategy Director Abonmarche Consultants, Inc.
Brittany Brower Consultant Bendzinski & Co.
Greg Elliott Retired City Administrator
John Lamerato Retired – Assistant City Manager Michigan Municipal Executives
Ted Andrzejewski Retired City Manager Michigan Municipal Executives
Rebecca Fleury City Manager, Retired Michigan Municipal Executives Retired Managers
Mark Wollenweber Interim City Manager Royal Oak
Charlaine Stevenson Assistant to the City Manager Berkley
Manager in Transition
Tom Murray City Administrator Allen Park
Troy Bell Michigan Municipal Executives
Jo Janiski Transportation Accounting Coordinator Flint
Daiah Williams Communications and Digital Advisor Ingham County
Justin Williams Assistant to the City Manager Portage
Winn Kline Student Wayne State University
Kenya Phillips Graduate Student Wayne State University
Darrius Hicks Graduate Student Wayne State University
Women’s Municipal Leadership Program 16/50