Family Matters

Cameron Van Wyngarden | Member Support Committee Chair

After multiple attempts that came up short, I finally got the call I had been waiting for; I had been selected to serve as the next manager. My wife and I had been planning for this move for years, waiting for a community that was the right fit—a reasonable distance from her work, close to family, good schools, and a community where we could see ourselves living. We were excited for the change, but one major obstacle remained…telling the kids we were going to move.

Career advancement can be exciting, but in our profession, moving up often means moving out. If we’re fortunate, that next opportunity presents itself in the next town over, allowing us to make the change with minimal disruption to our personal lives. However, we’re not always that fortunate. Maybe we can feel the clock running out in our current role, and we’ll be looking for that next position shortly if we want to or not. How do you know what is the right move not just for your career, but also for those in your household?

Here are a few tips from someone who has gone through it before:

  • Start the discussion early with your spouse or significant other. Make sure they understand what you are thinking about your career and what your next steps may be. Talk about what the “right fit” looks like for you and be sensitive to their career plans as well.
  • Consider other members of your family that may be affected by a move—children, aging parents, or other relatives that may need care. Think about what a move might look like to them, and if you have children that are old enough to understand, start talking with them early to introduce the idea before the time comes.
  • Change can bring stress for everyone involved. Take time for personal wellness and
    recognize signs of stress.
  • Find a mentor in the profession that can help guide you through the process. Look for someone who has “been there, done that” and is willing to share their experience. MME Senior Advisors are available to serve in this role and are ready to help.
  • Don’t work two jobs. You may feel a pull from your new community to get on board as soon as possible, while your prior community may be looking for you to get several tasks wrapped up before you leave. While you may want to accommodate your new community, help them recognize that your current commitment is with your prior community and draw some firm boundaries. Set a start date and stick to it.
  • Schedule a vacation. Plan ahead to take some time off, either between positions or a few months after beginning your new role. Negotiate this in your employment agreement so there is a clear understanding that you want to perform at a high level, which is often best achieved by keeping your batteries fresh.

With some planning and proper communication, your next career move can be a smooth transition. And remember, your colleagues at MME are here to help.

Cameron Van Wyngarden
Chair, Member Support Committee
Township Superintendent, Plainfield Charter Township

Cameron Van Wyngarden has served as the appointed superintendent for Plainfield Charter Township since May 2013, overseeing day-to-day operations for the community of 34,000 located just north of Grand Rapids, Michigan. As superintendent, Van Wyngarden is leading the community through an economic redevelopment effort named “Reimagine Plainfield” with the goal of revitalizing the Plainfield Avenue corridor with new mixed-use development. Prior to his time in Plainfield, Van Wyngarden served as the assistant city manager in Greenville, Michigan as well as a consultant for Anderson Economic Group located in East Lansing, Michigan. Van Wyngarden is a graduate of Calvin University, completing a double major bachelor’s degree in political science and business communications. He also holds a master’s degree in public administration from Western Michigan University.