Experience Committee Update

Al Vanderberg | Experience Committee Chair

The MME Experience Committee recently completed the annual MME awards process.

We reached out to the Regional Groups to increase engagement in the award nomination process and did indeed receive a significantly higher number of nominations. After substantial deliberation, the Committee named the following award winners:

  • Susan Barkman – Emerging Leader Award
  • Deborah Stuart – Advancing Women in Local Government Leadership Award
  • Joe Gacioch – Innovation Award
  • Melissa Marsh – Community Leadership Award
  • Brian Chapman – Mentoring Award
  • Thomas Tanghe – Executive of the Year Award
  • Warren Rothe – Outstanding Assistant Award

The Committee did not receive nominations for the New Executive Achievement Award or for the DEI Leadership Award.

We will include short writeups on the individual award winners in upcoming editions of “The Manager.”

The Committee also created a new award this year. The Retiree Impact Award recognizes a retired MME professional who has made significant after retirement contributions. Dennis Collison was named the first winner of this new award.

The Committee discussed possible ICMA Distinguished Service Award nominees and landed on nominating Bill Baldridge, former city manager of Norton Shores and Royal Oak. Bill also served as ICMA President.

Members of the MME make a huge positive impact for the residents and businesses that we all serve. It makes me proud to see the spirit of innovation and engagement that our dedicated managers approach their work with each and every day.

Al Vanderberg
Chair, Experience Committee
Administrator/Controller, Kent County

Al Vanderberg serves as county administrator/controller of Kent County since August 2021. Previously, Al served as county administrator of Ottawa County; deputy county administrator/controller of Kent County; city manager of South Haven; and assistant city manager of Greenville. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Michigan and Master of Public Administration from Michigan State University. Al served as president of the Michigan Municipal Executives and Michigan Association of County Administrative Officials (MACAO), chair of the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) Board of Directors, and chair of the former West Michigan Strategic Alliance. He was appointed by Governor Snyder to the Michigan Municipal Services Authority Board of Directors and Executive Committee and was appointed by Governor Snyder and reappointed by Governor Whitmer to the Michigan Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission. Al is a member of the Michigan Department of Civil Rights Council for Government and Education on Equity and Inclusion, the NACo DEI Advisory Group, and the National Association of County Administrators Board of Directors. He is a member of the adjunct faculty of Grand Valley State University where he teaches in the undergraduate and masters programs. He also writes and speaks frequently on local government management topics and issues. He can be reached at al.vanderberg@kentcountymi.gov.