Building Stronger Connections Between Tribal Nations and Local Governments

Matt Fulton

ICMA is interested in exploring the idea of convening conversations with local government executives aimed at fostering improved communication and relationships with adjacent/contiguous tribal nations. At a time when the need for cooperative and respectful relationships among all community members and entities is more critical than ever, ICMA is seeking your expertise and passion to build dynamic cohorts of members who work with tribal nations. The idea is to create an ongoing forum where leaders, experts, and stakeholders can come together to share experiences, best practices, and innovative solutions that will enhance collaboration and build stronger supportive relationships between tribal nations and local governments.

These cohort discussions would be organized within each ICMA regional area and would be designed to facilitate meaningful conversations, knowledge exchange, and the development of actionable strategies to address the complex challenges faced by tribal nations and local governments alike. By participating in this cohort, you will have the opportunity to network with fellow ICMA members and contribute to the development of sustainable, equitable, and mutually beneficial solutions.

If you share our commitment to building stronger relationships between tribal nations and local governments, we invite you to join us on this journey.

Please let Matt Fulton, ICMA Midwest Regional Director, know if you are interested in joining this conversation. He can be contacted at 651-242-2422 or