The Board of Directors is made up of 16 members. Directors are selected for three-year terms, with four Directors elected each year at the Annual Membership meeting.

There are 7 overarching committees made up of MME professional members, with a chair and vice-chair.  These committees meet throughout the year to discuss, plan, and offer recommendations to the Board of Directors on a variety of issues and potential actions.

Only professional (full) members of MME are eligible to serve on committees. overarching committees made up of MME professional members, with a chair and vice-chair. These committees meet throughout the year to discuss, plan, and offer recommendations to the Board of Directors on a variety of issues and potential actions.

New! Updated committees and responsibilities from the Vision 2020 Strategic Plan


Advocacy Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Advocacy Committee is to advocate for the council-manager form of governance and the MME through social media and by working with partner organizations to ensure the perspective of municipal executives are heard and making available information promoting its effectiveness when needed at the local level.
  • Specific Responsibilities: Promote the municipal executive profession and the MME through social media, develop and implement an ongoing process to ensure that municipal executives are represented in partnering organization’s committees and task forces where issues impacting the council-manager form of governance are discussed, develop resources highlighting the effectiveness of the council-manager form of governance for use in local deliberations.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is to provide an intentional focus on the presence of DEI issues within MME as an organization and its communities.

Boards & Committees

Early Career Outreach Committee 

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Early Career Outreach Committee (formerly NextGen) is to recruit and welcome municipal executives and foster a welcoming environment for early career professionals to thrive in the organization.
  • Specific Responsibilities: Development of an ongoing recruitment initiative aimed at students interested in the municipal executive profession; development of an ongoing recruitment initiative aimed at municipal workers interested in the municipal executive profession; oversee maintenance of university relationships; manage internship and fellowship programs; manage onboarding support and peer-to-peer networking events for early career municipal executives with particular attention to welcoming individuals from currently under-represented groups ; and manage mentoring programs.

Ethics Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to promote, encourage, and preserve high ethical standards for municipal executives by serving as the state review agency for ICMA to address charges against members regarding breach of the ethical code and working with the Professional Development Committee to strengthen the members’ knowledge of acceptable conduct under MME’s code of ethics.
  • Specific Responsibilities: Serve as the state review agency for ICMA, serves as state review agency for MME members who are not also members of ICMA, serve as internal ethics review body for MME issues, propose ethics topics to the Professional Development Committee.

Experience Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Experience Committee is to provide opportunities for professional recognition via certification and awards.
  • Specific Responsibilities: Awards Program (Innovation Award, Community Leadership Award, Mentoring Award, New Executive Achievement Award, Executive of the Year Award, John M. Patriarche Distinguished Service Award), Michigan Certified Public Manager Program (with SVSU) Application Program, MME Profiles and History (Municipal Executive Profiles, Community Profiles, MME History)

Executive Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Executive Committee is to act for and on behalf of the Board of Directors on matters requiring action by the Board of Directors when such action must be taken prior to the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting and it is not possible for a special meeting of the Board of Directors to be called before such action must be taken. Actions taken by the Executive Committee must be submitted for ratification to the full Board of Directors at its next meeting for review.
  • Specific Responsibilities: Act on behalf of the Board of Directors on time critical matters. Other responsibilities could be assigned by the Board of Directors where deemed

Member Support Committee 

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Member Support Committee is to support members by providing mentoring, coaching, counseling, and managers-in-transition support programs at conferences, regionally, and in one-on-one settings.
  • Specific Responsibilities: Counseling Program, Managers-in-Transition Support Program, EAP Wellness Program

Past President's Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Past Presidents’ Committee is to serve as a resource to the President.
  • Specific Responsibilities: As determined by the President in coordination with the immediate Past President who serves automatically as chair of this committee.

Professional Development Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of the Professional Development Committee is to provide opportunities to learn the latest techniques, trends, and best practices of municipal management through a variety of mechanisms including face-to-face interactions and peer-to-peer networking, classes and seminars in person and via the web, and publications both electronic and printed.
  • Specific Responsibilities: Winter Institute, Summer Workshop, One-Day Training Events, Distance Learning, Publications, Catalogue of Materials

Regional Groups
Several regional groups around the state hold meetings/luncheons to provide important face-to-face networking opportunities and information on pertinent topics.